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Image by Linus Nylund

Mni Wiconi :: Water is life

Wai he ola..
Vatn er líf..
Agua es la vida..

Many have come to realize, and some still are, that life on earth is held together physically by mostly water. There is something so precious and necessary within water, something that we literally cannot live without. It is life in liquid form.. except for when it isn't... 

Image by Amy Humphries
Image by Manki Kim
Image by Aaron Burden
Image by Juan Davila
Image by Akira Hojo
Image by Silas Baisch
Image by Sven van der Pluijm

Change your water, change your life...

...not all water is created equal.

To be completely honest, a lot of water that is offered and accepted to drink is full of toxins of all kinds. Even water near fresh springs can be contaminated. This isn't to scare or even condemn anyone, this is just food, or water, for thought.


Here is a little more.. As human beings, our entire body is made up of mostly water, about 65%. Our brain and hearts alone are 73% water, our lungs are 83% water, and our muscles and kidneys are 79% water.


So let's check out some options for drinking:


Bottled Water

Bottled water poses many concerns to those focusing on improving their health and/or minimizing their environmental impact. Along with the many studies done on the chemicals inside of plastics emitting harmful toxins that disrupt many of our vital functions. Most bottled water that you find on the shelf is:

  • distilled - stripped of everything bad and good, such as the the naturally occurring minerals required for proper nourishment

  • purified - similar to distilled water, it is stripped of all content, and is therefore astringent to the gut

  • bottled "alkaline water"- distilled water with added chemicals such as sodium bicarbonate that create an alkaline pH

Plastic water bottles have become a ubiquitous part of modern life, but their convenience comes at a cost. The production and disposal of plastic bottles have significant environmental impacts, including contributing to the buildup of plastic waste in landfills and oceans. Additionally, the chemicals used in the production of plastic bottles can leach into the water they contain, posing health risks. As awareness of these concerns grows, many people are seeking alternatives to plastic water bottles, such reusable containers and water filtration systems.


Tap Water

Tap water is another convenience with a cost. There are many concerns about the quality of tap water in a lot of areas. Contaminants such as lead, chlorine, and pesticides can be present in tap water, all of which have negative effects on health. Exposure to lead in drinking water cause developmental delays in children and high blood pressure and kidney problems in adults. Chlorine, which is added to tap water to kill bacteria, can react with organic matter in the water to form harmful byproducts. Pesticides which cause cancer and other health problems, can enter water sources through agricultural runoff.


To ensure that tap water is safe for consumption, it is important to be aware of the quality of tap water in your area. Check your tap water by zip code here. You can also check the quality of your tap water by contacting your local water supplier or by using a water testing kit. If you are concerned about the quality of your tap water, and you want to continue accessing water through the ease of your own home, there are steps you can take.


Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis water is a topic of concern due to the removal of minerals from the water, which poses a health risk. Studies suggest that drinking demineralized water may lead to mineral deficiencies and other health issues. Research shows that the intake of soft water, i.e. water low in calcium, may be associated with higher risk of fracture in children, certain neurodegenerative diseases, pre-term birth and low weight at birth and some types of cancer.


Kangen Water

Kangen water is living, high frequency, antioxidant-rich water

Kangen Water® is produced by medical grade water ionizers that have the ability to transform your tap water into SEVEN different levels of pH. 2.5pH, 6.0pH, 7.0pH, 8.5pH. 9.0pH, 9.5pH, and 11.5pH. The 7 different pH levels allow you to ultilize this water for over 60+ uses throughout your day to day life.

After running water through a filter, your Kangen machine uses a process called electrolysis to separate the water into alkaline and acidic parts, restructuring and transforming the chemical composition of the water. Thus creating molecular hydrogen rich water, water full of antioxidants and that actually hydrates on a cellular level.


There are multiple ways to test the benefits of Kangen Water®, but the two most important are pH (potential hydrogen) and ORP (oxidation reduction potential).


Kangen Water is Alkaline in pH

Throughout our days in a modern world, the consumption of toxins and chemical are unavoidable, and this consumption leads to what is called oxidative stress. Oxidative stress causes the body to emit acids and an acidic environment/biome is much more susceptible to disease. Ensuring that the water you drink is of an alkaline pH in its molecular structure supports your body in sustaining an alkaline pH within. Your internal systems staying alkaline keeps the body operating as close to homeostasis as possible, allowing it to constantly heal itself from within.


Kangen Water Tests -800 ORP

Kangen Water has an oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) of roughly -800. This is what makes it an abundant source of antioxidants. For context, blueberries have an ORP of about -200. Antioxidants are of incredibly important for human health. Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells and contribute to aging and diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's. Antioxidants, on the other hand, neutralize free radicals and protect cells from damage. Thus, just as keeping your body alkaline is important, so is having an antioxidant rich diet. 


Other uses of Kangen Water®






​ as you can see, the water you drink can either make a great impact on your life, or it could be giving you more sickness than health.

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